From 100% face to face learning to a 70/30 elearning vision in one step for BaptistCare


Baptist Care

Since 1944 BaptistCare has cared for the aged and people living with disadvantage across 160 facilities and programs throughout NSW and ACT in Australia. Their mission is to uphold strong and caring communities that value personal wellbeing and each other. As one of the nation's most respected not-for-profit care providers, BaptistCare employs over 3500 staff and 1000 volunteers.

Key project features

Totara Platform
Kineo Courses
Totara Learning Community


Introducing a single learning solution for a variety of workers together with efficient reporting

Following consultation across the organisation to identify key learning pain points, BaptistCare conducted extensive research into potential partners.  After a strict selection process BaptistCare chose Kineo as they wanted a trusted learning expert with a track record in the Aged Care and Community Services industries.

When Kineo first started speaking with BaptistCare their learning

capability sat across multiple systems. There was no integration or a central repository for records of learning and there were challenges in real-time accessibility for managers and learners with different levels of administration rights.

It was particularly important for BaptistCare to find a learning management system that could manage multiple needs including

employee onboarding and volunteers, system security and integrations, flexibility in course setup and design, as well as addressing the pain point of fragmented data across multiple systems which was unsustainable.  Compliance reporting was a huge undertaking and their framework did not allow for strategic thinking or future planning.


Implementing an easy to use, flexible learning platform that evolves with the organisation

A BaptistCare working group was created across all business streams and with counsel from Kineo, Totara Learn Kineo edition managed service was chosen as the fit for purpose learning platform that would also incorporate a modern library of elearning to suit their current and ongoing learning needs.  

A custom look and feel, new content and updated existing content has been added to the BaptistCare coined ‘My Learning’ platform that will grow as the organisation evolves. Microlearning has been added as part of a blended learning program offering short, sharp targeted modules that are really working well for them.  

The strategic direction to the relationship that Kineo provides frames BaptistCare’s future learning needs.


A learning solution that has been transformational at learner and organisational level

The project was delivered on time and within budget and across the last year, post implementation, the learning capability of BaptistCare has transformed. BaptistCare is delighted with the flexible Totara Learn platform they have full control over. It has made a huge difference to what they can do. ‘My Learning’ is a repository of Kineo’s off the shelf elearning plus bespoke content with specialist Aged Care learning modules.  One example of success is the COVID-19 related training module that was launched within a couple of days, rather than  

the weeks it would have taken before. It has enabled BaptistCare to bring into one platform their webinar, elearning and seminar (face to face) programs – ranging from clinical, onboarding, team and personal development, management and leadership.  Most importantly the real time reporting is supporting managers with developing their teams and with their compliance requirements.

Adoption has enabled them to meet significant organisational goals and aligning with this project

are two key BaptistCare organisational values: ‘respect’ and ‘empowerment.’ Results are evident in upskilled team leaders and managers that are empowered to be more accountable. Access to the Totara Learning Community as well as learning resources has been really helpful. Kineo’s strategic advice and support has been of significant value in supporting BaptistCare’s planned growth and directions – with My Learning growing as they grow.  

Delegating the responsibility of reporting has freed up L&D team to do more strategic planning and they are focusing on effectiveness and good practice across the organisation, mirroring the approach they have taken with learning development.  

Kineo’s “happy union” with BaptistCare is strategy-led and the team are proud referees for both the Totara Learn platform and Kineo Courses.


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